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Jadeed Fiqhi Masail Kitab o Sunnat Ki Roshni Mai


Allah Almighty in the form of Qur’an and Sunnah has preserved the religion of Islam till the Day of Resurrection and has set the standard of guidance and has expanded the rules of Qur’an and Sunnah to such an extent that it can guide the Muslim Ummah in matters till the Day of Resurrection. The reason is that the door of Ijtihad has been kept open till the Day of Resurrection for the solution of the problems arising in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah.

The purpose of ijtihad is to change the clear rules of the Qur’an and Sunnah and to offer new solutions to the new problems arising from the change of circumstances in the light of the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Many new issues arose in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) which did not come to light during the time of the revelation of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He said. In the same way, later on, in the period of Tabein A Tabein Muhaddithin Wafiqah, such issues arose which did not exist before and in every era Fazil Wa presented the perfect knowledge in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah which resulted in books of jurisprudence. Great capital came into being.

Tauba wa Taqwa Asbab o Wasail Aur Samrat


Man literally means ‘wrongdoer’. With its birth, a series of sins started, which is a cause of loss and loss for human beings, which is mentioned by Allah Almighty in many verses of the Qur’an. Along with this, Allah, the Exalted, bestowed a special reward on him, through which he could turn this loss and loss into ‘nearness to God’.

Yes, and that is “repentance”. To commit sin is an ugly act, but insisting on sin and arguing about its validity increases sin many times over and causes great food and loss to man. Satan embellishes sin and presents it to him. Since man is thin of sins and has sinned from eternity, he is deceived by Satan and commits sin. In such a situation, if one repents, then Allah Almighty turns sins into good deeds.

Deen ul Haq 2 Volume


Believers and followers of every religion must come to a stage where their minor differences become permanent, as were the differences between Judaism and Christianity, and the nature of the differences between the two religions becomes very serious. Although the Torah was the law of both religions. Then, with a wide gulf of differences between the two religions, the Jews were divided into about seventy sects, and the Christians into better sects. This state of their differences was like this in the time of Rasool-e-Akram team. Only Allah will know later or the people of these religions will know what is the state of their differences. However, there is no doubt that these two religions They consider each other as infidels and atheists and irreligious.

Sharh Usool e Salasa (شرح اصول ثلاثہ)


The Urdu translation of “Sharh Usool e Salasa” is a gift to the readers. As far as writing something about the book is concerned, I do not consider it necessary at all because the attribution of this book to authoritative and authoritative personalities like the author and commentator is the only guarantee of its authenticity and usefulness. It is not possible for a person of fair temperament to read this book beyond prejudice and to have a careful view of the author and commentator, his breadth of knowledge, his influence and his heart. Don’t get me wrong That Sharh-e-Thalas-ul-Asool should be presented in different languages ​​of the subcontinent in view of its general usefulness. Respected Dr. Rezaullah Mohammad Idrees Mubarakpuri Hayyand (Lecturer of Salafi University, Banaras) sought advice.

الرد على الزنادقة والجهمية


Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Walin (5 AH) wrote various treatises in defense of the Salafi faith which was the belief of the Salaf. Imam Ahmad had to face the government to clarify these beliefs and We had to endure hardships, trials and tribulations. Around the first and second centuries AH, a number of erroneous ideas came to the fore. Ja’d ibn Durham and Jahm ibn Safwan derived their beliefs from al-Shaminiya and are also called al-Shaminiya. Were Abu Rihan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni in his book “Tahaqiq ma llind min maqolat maqolat al-aql o mazdolat p. The position of the Salaf was that when the followers of Bid’ah and the people of Atheism expressed their false belief, the Salaf would express their belief and their purpose was to show the false doctrine of the followers of Bid’ah I will prove it.

Istilahat Ahadith (اصطلا حات حديث)


Verily, Allaah sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with guidance and the religion of truth, so that He might make it prevail over all religions, and He revealed to him the Book and Wisdom. That you may make clear to the people what has been revealed to them, that they may reflect and be guided and that they may be successful.

So both the Book and the Sunnah are in fact with which Allah Almighty has established an argument against His servants and on both of them the basis of doctrinal and practical rules in command and prohibition (positive and negative) is laid.

The one who argues from the Qur’an needs to consider only one thing, what is its ruling, it does not need to think in order to be established, because it

Fatiha Khalful Imam


In Surah Al-Fatihah, Allah is the great glory of the Lord of the worlds and another like him? There is no surah. That is why Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has commanded us to recite it in every rak’ah of the prayer. And naturally this surah is also easier than all the other suras. And observation proves that there will be many people who will not remember any other surah of the Qur’an but will remember Surat al-Fatihah. And there is no one who does not remember Surah Al-Fatihah and does not remember any other Surah. Therefore, the verse (Faqira wa ma taisar min al-Qur’an »(Al-Muzammil) means that which is easier from the Qur’an (recite it in prayer).

Muhaniqa wa Musafa ke Ahkam


Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayer and peace be upon the trustworthy Messenger, but later: Islam is a complete religion and code of life. There is no aspect of life that is not covered. Interacting with dozens of people throughout the day is an important part of our lives and there are Islamic teachings about this which can be interpreted as meeting etiquette. Notable among them are greetings, handshakes and hugs. The subject of the book under review is also related to shaking hands, hugging and kissing. In the following lines, we will summarize their virtue and importance on the page of the paper. یں

When a Muslim shakes hands with another Muslim (for the purpose of greeting) it is called handshake and I am the cause of great reward. It is narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Then one of them should hold the hand of his companion and shake hands with him. 142 / 3H1245

Sabr e Jameel ( صبر جمیل)


The concept of patience, though very widespread,

The real meaning of patience is restraint and imprisonment. Patience is when a person complains of being in a state of distress, and prevents his hands from slapping his face and tearing his clothes.

Kabira Gunah aur unki pahchan ke usool

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.

Scholars have made people aware of major sins in every age so that in order for people to know their seriousness and try to avoid them, many scholars have compiled permanent books consisting of Kahair and Saghair. Some books are those in which major sins have been written under other headings, such as the deeds that erase the virtues by Maulana Tafzeel Ahmad Zaigham, the deeds that destroy the virtues by Maulana Muhammad Arshad Kamal, stop! Allah and His Messenger forbade it by Abu Dharr Muhammad Irfan. Furthermore, there are countless books that have been written separately on major sins such as curses, backbiting and hypocrisy.

Islam ka Nizam Akhlaq wa Adab Urdu (اسلام کا نظام اخلاق وادب)


Islam ka Nizam Akhlaq wa Adab

Some people respect the prophets and sages, and do not utter a word that makes a difference in their honor and respect, but their tongues are not careful about Allah Almighty. In the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, we see that we have been taught the manners of the Divine Court.

Look at the literature and respect of Khidr Ali when the ark of the poor working in the sea and the ship of the poor in the sea did not return to them. ‘When the father of the orphaned child, who was the guardian of Allah, built his falling wall and saved his treasure.

Guldasta e Islam (Deluxe Edition)

Original price was: ₹140.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

Understanding Islam in a simple way.


Original price was: ₹30.00.Current price is: ₹20.00.

What a person acquires in the world through his abilities and experiences is one of knowledge and wisdom, useful and wise words and wealth. He wants to give his family, loved ones and relatives a chance to benefit from him. He also wants some of his wealth to be spent on good deeds. Islam has respected this desire of man and for this it has given a complete law of will.

Quran Khawani Aur Esal e Sawab

Original price was: ₹30.00.Current price is: ₹20.00.

Quran Khawani Aur Esal e Sawab

The practice of repenting men through Qur’an recitation has now become commonplace almost everywhere. On the occasion of the martyrdom and death of the ministers and dignitaries of Latin and country, this McCardea recites the Qur’an except for all its ceremonies. Among them, specialists, especially those who recite the Qur’an, pray for the completion of the third Qur’an and its return to the deceased.

Mayyat Ke Liye Nafa Bakhsh Amal


An excellent research treatise by the author, Sheikh Tariq Ahmad Al-Hamadi, on the subject of rulings and issues of condolence has already been translated by Fazil Razia Ibrahim Salmaha, published by Darul Alam Mumbai and has become popular.

This is a translation of another pamphlet of the great author, which is in fact a supplement to the first pamphlet of the author, which describes in the light of the Qur’an and hadith the good deeds and virtues whose benefits and rewards A Muslim continues to suffer even after his death.

Mayyat Ke Liye Nafa Bakhsh Amal