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Jirah wa Tadeel


The nation in which Allah Almighty revealed His favorite and last religion was the uncivilized nation of Arabia, but it also has some human values ​​which are clear examples of high morals and character such as tolerance, hospitality, truthfulness, loyalty and fidelity. There were, as well as some God-given abilities, strength of memory, quick wit, self-control and courage, courage and fortitude, courage and fortitude were also present in them, very tough, tough temperament and hard soul Were Tribal bigotry was at its height, the honor and dignity of the tribe, its greatness and grandeur was the greatest purpose of life, they died on obedience to the orders of the chief, They could not bear to hear against it.

Daman e Hadees Chootney Na Paey


The hadith is also the book of Allah. Sayyid and Ayesha say that Barira came and said that I have written to my masters on nine (9) ounces, I have to give one ounce every year. If you like your master, I will give them all at once and set you free, but the condition is that your will will be mine, but they went to their masters, they refused and said The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O ‘Aa’ishah! Take him and set him free. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stood up to deliver a sermon among the people and praised Allah and then said: What about those who make conditions which are not in the Book of Allah? Any condition which is against the Book of Allah is invalid even though there are good conditions. The villa belongs only to the man who freed the slave Yalondi.

Risala Nijatia dar Aqaid Hadeesia (رسالہ نجاتیہ در عقائد حدیثیہ)

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹50.00.

Risala-e-Nijatiya Dar Aqeed-e-Hadithiya is a compilation written in the twelfth century AH (5 AH). Its author was Maulana Muhammad Fakhir Zair Allahabadi Wallah (d. 3 AH), a religious scholar, muhaddith and very noble Salafi saint of his time.

The original book was in Persian which was common in India at that time. In view of the importance of the book, more or less a century and a half ago, Jaj Siddique Hassan Khan Bilala (d. 5 AH) of Majid wa Uloom Nawabwala translated it into Urdu. The second complete translation of it was done by Hafiz Mohammad Ishaq Shaykh-ul-Hadeeth Dar-ul-Uloom Dar-ul-Uloom Taqwa-ul-Islam Lahore, (d. 3 AH) And published by Al-Muktab Al-Salafiya, Lahore.

Now this is the third edition of Urdu edition which is in the hands of readers. The specialty of this edition is that this magazine has been researched and interpreted.

Zawabit Jarah o Tadeel


The Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the second source after the Qur’aan in Islamic law from which the rules of Shariah are derived. There is control. This is the reason for the protection of Zikr

The promise includes the Qur’an as well as the hadith. For the fulfillment of His promise, Allah Almighty, with His special grace and bounty, gave thanks to the Muslim Ummah who sacrificed their body and mind for the protection of Hadith and fulfilled their duty of protection. In every age there have been scholars who started this mission from their predecessors and passed it on to the next generation till this series has reached our age today and in spite of our low spirits special grace of Allah Almighty. There are scholars among us who have dedicated themselves to this great mission and are doing it well. Whose services are well known and famous with reference to the defense and interpretation of Hadith.

Sharaf Ashabul-Hadith


A special translation of Allama Khatib Baghdadi’s book “Sharaf Ashab Al-Hadith” is offered. This will make it possible to know the virtues of the Companions of Hadith and their position and status. The greatest and most important feature of this book is that Allama Khatib Baghdadi has copied all the hadiths and relics and sayings of Imams and Muhaddithin from his sanad which enhances their authenticity. In translation, Urdu readers have been excluded from the certificate. Ordinary Urdu speakers can take advantage of this, so instead of literal translation, the current and idiomatic translation has been preferred, but in this free translation, the text has been completely discounted. At the time of translation, the researcher is looking forward to the edition of the book. Similarly, the researcher followed them. Attempts have also been made to record the date of birth and death of the followers, narrators and imams whose names appear in the book. Has been done. This will help in understanding the age of personalities, God willing.

Usool e Sunnah

Original price was: ₹50.00.Current price is: ₹30.00.

It is very important to hold fast to the Qur’an and Sunnah and to get the doctrines and doctrinal commands of the religion from these two things only and to refer to these two in case of disagreement. These are the two scales by which words, deeds and beliefs are weighed. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah has given a very good summary of this. The point is that whatever the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) brought with him and whatever his intention was with the words of Qur’an and Hadith is the real knowledge and happiness and salvation. (Total Fatwas: 17/355)

Musnad Abdullah bin Mubarak


The personality of Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak (118-181 AH) is well known. He was a great muhaddith, distinguished in asceticism and piety, and an active mujahid in the field of jihad. He served Hadith and Sunnah all his life and trained hundreds of students. One of your major distinctions is that you emphasized the importance and greatness of the teacher in the religion and made the isnaads an integral part of Islam.

This made it easier to identify topics and weaknesses, and facilitated the distinction between the authenticity and weakness of a hadith from a scientific point of view. He has left a number of memorable works in which his book Al-Zuhd and Kitab Al-Musnad are famous. Today, Darul Alam Mumbai is privileged to present the Urdu version of his book Al-Musnad in the service of its esteemed readers.

Mirat ul Bukhari (مرآة البخاری)


This collection of papers contains these lessons of Ustad Hafiz Abdul Manan Sahib, Professor of Muhammadiyah GT Road, Gujranwala. Which he had written to the students before reading the book Bukhari. According to Shawwal 5 AH, the Jamaat-e-Rai which was reading Bukhari’s book in Jamia Muhammadiyah on August 2, was composed of Rai Muhammad Ashraf Sahib, Ghulam Rasool Sahib, Abdul Jabbar Sahib, Nazir Ahmed Sahib, Shabir Ahmed Sahib, Ataullah Sahib, Hafiz Abdul Rehman Sahib and Tariq Mahmood Sahib. There were some lessons before I came. Hafiz Sahib’s teaching style was compassionate. One day I would write the lesson on my feet. The next day the same lessons were heard orally from the students. This method was very useful for the students.

Duniya Ka Qadeem Tareen Majmua e Ahadith 


The authentic and beautiful hadiths are the source of Islamic law. They are the definitive interpretation of the Qur’an. Just as Allah Almighty has revealed the Qur’an with the last prophecy and prophethood, so too is something like this. The Qur’an is a revelation, which is recited in prayer, and the hadith of the Prophet is a non-recitation, which is not recited in prayer. The difference between the two is that the words and meanings of one are both destination from Allah and not the words of the other only meanings are destination from Allah. Both are the same in victory and authenticity. Those who have recognized this greatness of Hadith, their Qibla of thought and vision will be correct and those who have not considered this greatness of Hadith as worthwhile, have descended into such valleys of illusions and doubts. There is no way out.

Al Masnoo Fi Marifat ul Hadith ul Mozoo (المصنوع في معرفة الحديث الموضوع)


The authenticity and authenticity of the hadith of Rasool Ali (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is an indisputable fact. No picture of the religion of Islam can be made without Hadith. Hadith scholars have always answered the objections and doubts of the disbelievers of Hadith, but when a person is not ready to listen to the argument and is not ready to understand any reasonable thing, there is no cure for it. A clear proof of the authenticity and authenticity of the hadith is the books in which the subject and the status quo traditions have been collected. The purpose of collecting the bad hadiths as well as the weak and munkar traditions was that no one could present anything in the name of the Holy Prophet (saw) without sanad. So now the situation is that along with Shaykh and Hasan ahaadeeth we also have references to weak and munkar traditions, without pointing out the sources no limit butt now has no place in the world. And the greatest contemporary muhaddith Allama Muhammad Nasir-ud-Din Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) and his followers and beneficiaries have played the biggest, most important and prominent role in cultivating this atmosphere of knowledge.

Musnad Imam Shafi’i 2 Volume in Urdu


The book contains almost two thousand (2000) hadiths according to Maktaba Shamila.It is one of the oldest Musnad (a kind of Hadith book) written.

Musnad Ahmad 12 Volume in Urdu


One of the greatest compilations of the sunnah and books of hadith is the Musnad by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, which is organized into compilations of the hadiths narrated by each Companion (Sahabi), starting with the ‘asharah mubashsharah (“the ten who were promised Paradise”). This highlights their status and the efforts they made to preserve the ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

The scholars and muhadditheen praised the Musnad of Imam Ahmad. Al-Hafiz Abu Moosa al-Madeeni wrote a book in which he highlighted the great features of the Musnad. In his book he said: “This book is an important source and trustworthy reference for the scholars of hadeeth, as he (Imam Ahmad) selected from the large number of hadith he came across and the plentiful reports he heard, and he put a great deal of effort into making it a prominent, leading and reliable source. When disputing an issue, it is a refuge and a source of help.”

Muwatta Imam Malik


Compiled during the reign of Mansur, the second. Abbasid Caliph, Muwatta’ of Imam Malik is regarded as the most authentic book on Hadith. Imam Malik passed his entire life in Medina and, therefore, had direct access to the most reliable authorities on Hadith because most of the leading companions and their successors live and died there and narrated traditions. The Muwatta’ is based on the traditions narrated by them and juristic verdicts given by them, and thus it deals only with such ahadith as have a bearing on juristic verdicts.

Silsila Ahadees e Sahiha


Silsila Ahadees e Sahiha

ہر مسلمان کی بیدلی آرزو ہوتی ہے کہ قیامت کے دن کی منزلیں اس کے لیے آسان ہو جائیں ۔ اس کے لیے وہ بساط بھر جد و جہد کرتا ہے ۔ حساب کے دن نبی کریم ﷺ کی شفاعت کا حصول ایک مسلمان کی آرزو بھی ہے اور امید بھی۔ نبی کریم ﷺﷺ کی حدیث مبارکہ کی خدمت ان شاء اللہ تعالی روز قیامت آپ کی شفاعت کا سبب ہوگی۔ آئمہ کرام اور محدثین عظام نے اپنی زندگیاں اس مقصد کے لیے وقف کیے رکھیں احادیث رسول ( ﷺ ) کی جمع و تدوین سے لے کر راویان حدیث کی چھان پھٹک تک یہ سارا کام ایک محیر العقول کارنامہ تو ہے ہی لیکن محبت کا ایک بے مثال مظہر بھی ہے۔اس مقصد کے حصول کے لیے محدثین نے اس دور میں ہزاروں میل سفر کیے کہ جب سفر کرنا ایک پر صعوبت کام ہوتا تھا۔ ان گنت افراد کے حالات جمع کیے ان سے ملاقات کی ۔ ان افراد کے اخلاق عادات حافظے دیانت وامانت غرضیکہ ان کی سیرت کے

تابناک نقوش کوامت کے سامنے ایک مرتب شکل میں پیش کیا۔ دور حاضر میں شیخ ناصر الدین البانی ﷺ نے احادیث کی تحقیق اور تخریج کا جو شاندار کام کیا ہے ماضی میں اس کی مثال نہیں ملتی ۔ ’’سلسلة الاحاديث الصحيحة‘‘ اور ’’سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة و الموضوعۃ‘‘ ان کی دو عظیم الشان

تصانیف ہیں ۔ سلسلة الاحاديث الصحيحة کا اردوترجمہ مکتبہ قدوسیہ کی شان دار روایت کے مطابق آپ کے ہاتھ میں ہے ۔ الحمدللہ مکتبہ قدوسیہ اس سے پہلے احادیث کی کتنی ہی کتب کے تراجم اور شروحات اردو اور عربی زبان میں شائع کر چکا ہے جن میں انجاز الحاجہ شرح ابن ماجہ از مولا نا محمدعلی جانباز پی صحیح بخاری ترجمه و شرح مولانا محمد داؤد راز دہلوی ﷺ مشکاۃ المصانع ترجمه و شرح مولا نا محمد صادق خلیل مولانا محمد اسماعیل سلفی مولا نا عبدالسلام کیلانی علامہ البانی کے تلمیذ رشید فضیلۃ الاستاذ ابو اسامہ سلیم بن عید الھلالی کی بہجتہ الناظر من شرح رياض الصالحین’ محدث العصر علامہ ڈپٹی سید احمد حسن محدث دہلوی کا حاشیہ