Showing 271–273 of 273 results

You Can Be The Happiest Woman In The World – Treasure Chest Of Reminders


As a woman, do you sometimes feel that happiness is out of reach? Is your life full of grief and sadness? IIPH’s bestseller, You Can Be the Happiest Woman in the World by Dr. Aid ibn Abdullah al-Qarni is an authentic Islamic book that presents a roadmap to happiness in the light of Islamic teachings and expert opinions, both eastern and western.

Zawabit Jarah o Tadeel


The Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the second source after the Qur’aan in Islamic law from which the rules of Shariah are derived. There is control. This is the reason for the protection of Zikr

The promise includes the Qur’an as well as the hadith. For the fulfillment of His promise, Allah Almighty, with His special grace and bounty, gave thanks to the Muslim Ummah who sacrificed their body and mind for the protection of Hadith and fulfilled their duty of protection. In every age there have been scholars who started this mission from their predecessors and passed it on to the next generation till this series has reached our age today and in spite of our low spirits special grace of Allah Almighty. There are scholars among us who have dedicated themselves to this great mission and are doing it well. Whose services are well known and famous with reference to the defense and interpretation of Hadith.

الرد على الزنادقة والجهمية


Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Walin (5 AH) wrote various treatises in defense of the Salafi faith which was the belief of the Salaf. Imam Ahmad had to face the government to clarify these beliefs and We had to endure hardships, trials and tribulations. Around the first and second centuries AH, a number of erroneous ideas came to the fore. Ja’d ibn Durham and Jahm ibn Safwan derived their beliefs from al-Shaminiya and are also called al-Shaminiya. Were Abu Rihan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni in his book “Tahaqiq ma llind min maqolat maqolat al-aql o mazdolat p. The position of the Salaf was that when the followers of Bid’ah and the people of Atheism expressed their false belief, the Salaf would express their belief and their purpose was to show the false doctrine of the followers of Bid’ah I will prove it.