Showing 226–240 of 273 results

Tafsir Ibn Kathir (6 Volume)


The Qur’an is the revelation of Allah’s Own Words for the guidance of His creatures. Since the Qur’an is the primary source of Islamic teachings, the correct understanding for the Qur’an is necessary for every Muslim. The Tafsir of Ibn Kathir is the most renowned and accepted explanation of the Qur’an in the entire world. In it one finds the best presentation of Ahadith, history, and scholarly commentary.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir (6 Volume) (Darul Ilm Mumbai)


Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir Dimashqi’s tafisr is the most renowned and accepted explanation of the Quran. It’s one of the best quran tafsir in Urdu available for readers. It contains authentic hadiths, and scholarly comments. The Quran is the message of Allah and serves as guidance for all Muslims however recitation of the Quran alone is not sufficient. In order to lead our lives on the divine path we must understand the message of Allah. This Tafsir meets this gap by providing a detailed explanation of the Holy Quran.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir is one of the Most Comprehensive and Complete Explanation of The Noble Quran. This is the Urdu translation of Al-Misbahul Munir Fee Tahdhib Tafsir Ibn Kathir.

Taiseer Ul Quran 4 Volume

Original price was: ₹3,800.00.Current price is: ₹2,800.00.

Taiseer Ul Quran is written in very simple and effective language because Maulana Abdul Rehman Kilani himself was a very simple and God fearing man. He wrote many books including well known Urdu book Aynah Parvaizeyat denouncing the beliefs of Munkareen-e-Hadith. He also discussed many modern issues in his Tafsir and has full command over modern knowledge.

Tajalliyat e Nabuwat in Roman Urdu


In this book Tajalliyat-e-Nabuwat Urdu Transliteration: Urdu in Roman Script, the events of the Prophet’s life, from the day he (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was born and even before that day for background information-until the day he (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) died, have been recorded.

Buy Tajalliyat-e-Nabuwat Urdu Transliteration: Urdu in Roman Script

Tajalliyat e Nabuwat Urdu


In this book, the events of the Prophet’s life, from the day he (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) was born and even before that day for background information-until the day he (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) died, have been recorded.

Talash-e-Haq (تلاش حق)

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.

This book “Talashe Haq” is the essence of Mohtaram Janab Irshadullah Man Sahib’s years of research and poetry. His life started with Taqlid and Khankahi series then Allah Ta’ala gave him the gift of understanding the truth and acting on it. During this time, he thoroughly studied the different masalaks and their aqeedah and views and took stock of them from the book and sunnat. The straight path became clear to them with all its legitimacy. He collected the same details in book form and named it “Talashe Haq”, so that this refuge of his would become a convenience for those seeking Riyazat Haq. The book was carefully read by Mohtaram Hafiz Abdussalam bin Muhammad and found very useful. At his urging, it was decided to publish it on behalf of Darul Undulus.

In order to improve the beauty of the book, it was divided into different chapters and crops, book-based imports were imposed and the transcript of the hadiths was performed by Fariza Syed Tanvirulhaq Shah Sahib. In addition to the hadiths, in the hawala caste of books, only Mohtarram Irshadullah Man Sahib has been relied upon. Muhammad Shafiq and Hafiz Asif Rashid worked hard in composing. May Allah Ta’ala accept the wishes of the writer Mohtaram and all his friends and give them the best revenge for this. Amen!

At present, a large number of Muslims in India and Pakistan in particular and all over the world in general, instead of directly benefiting from the Book and Sunnah, have adopted the ideology of Taqleed and have lobbied for different ideologies, of millions of such Muslims. Therefore, this book is a precious gift, read it, test your beliefs and views on the scales of truth and by following the book and Sunnah, join the ranks of those who seek truth, that in it lies the secret of success in this world and the hereafter. May Allah grant you the ability to understand and act. Amin

Syed Shaukat Salim
Al Kitab International

Talash-e-Haq (तलाशे-हक)


This book “Talashe Haq” is the essence of Mohtaram Janab Irshadullah Man Sahib’s years of research and poetry. His life started with Taqlid and Khankahi series then Allah Ta’ala gave him the gift of understanding the truth and acting on it. During this time, he thoroughly studied the different masalaks and their aqeedah and views and took stock of them from the book and sunnat. The straight path became clear to them with all its legitimacy. He collected the same details in book form and named it “Talashe Haq”, so that this refuge of his would become a convenience for those seeking Riyazat Haq. The book was carefully read by Mohtaram Hafiz Abdussalam bin Muhammad and found very useful. At his urging, it was decided to publish it on behalf of Darul Undulus.

In order to improve the beauty of the book, it was divided into different chapters and crops, book-based imports were imposed and the transcript of the hadiths was performed by Fariza Syed Tanvirulhaq Shah Sahib. In addition to the hadiths, in the hawala caste of books, only Mohtarram Irshadullah Man Sahib has been relied upon. Muhammad Shafiq and Hafiz Asif Rashid worked hard in composing. May Allah Ta’ala accept the wishes of the writer Mohtaram and all his friends and give them the best revenge for this. Amen!

At present, a large number of Muslims in India and Pakistan in particular and all over the world in general, instead of directly benefiting from the Book and Sunnah, have adopted the ideology of Taqleed and have lobbied for different ideologies, of millions of such Muslims. Therefore, this book is a precious gift, read it, test your beliefs and views on the scales of truth and by following the book and Sunnah, join the ranks of those who seek truth, that in it lies the secret of success in this world and the hereafter. May Allah grant you the ability to understand and act. Amin

Syed Shaukat Salim
Al Kitab International

Tareekh e Islam Urdu (3 Volume)


Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Spiritual Era to Sahaba-e-Karam[Companion of Prophet Muhammad] ﷺ and their after, the entire Islamic Countries’s truth history ‘written by renowned Author Hazrat Maulana Akbar Shah Najeebabadi and also written its in enlighten and Standard Histories and Ahadith [The Statements of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ ]. The More than lakhs Copies of this Grand and Sacred Book have been distributed in entire the World in Urdu language. It’s one of the Best and concise book on HIstory of Islam, widely accepted among student of Islamic history.

Tashreeh Ul Quran: Quran Majid Hindi Translation With Arabic Matan


Tashreehul Quran, Quran Majid Hindi Translation With Arabic Matan (Maulana Abdul Karim Parekh Saheb)

Tashreeh Ul Quran: Quran Majid with Urdu Translation


Tashreeh Ul Quran: Quran Majid with Urdu Translation by Maulana Abdul Karim Parekh Saheb

Tauba wa Taqwa Asbab o Wasail Aur Samrat


Man literally means ‘wrongdoer’. With its birth, a series of sins started, which is a cause of loss and loss for human beings, which is mentioned by Allah Almighty in many verses of the Qur’an. Along with this, Allah, the Exalted, bestowed a special reward on him, through which he could turn this loss and loss into ‘nearness to God’.

Yes, and that is “repentance”. To commit sin is an ugly act, but insisting on sin and arguing about its validity increases sin many times over and causes great food and loss to man. Satan embellishes sin and presents it to him. Since man is thin of sins and has sinned from eternity, he is deceived by Satan and commits sin. In such a situation, if one repents, then Allah Almighty turns sins into good deeds.

Tauzeeh Us Salah Urdu


Tauzeeh Us Salah by Dr. Shaikh Obaidullah