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Tauba wa Taqwa Asbab o Wasail Aur Samrat


Man literally means ‘wrongdoer’. With its birth, a series of sins started, which is a cause of loss and loss for human beings, which is mentioned by Allah Almighty in many verses of the Qur’an. Along with this, Allah, the Exalted, bestowed a special reward on him, through which he could turn this loss and loss into ‘nearness to God’.

Yes, and that is “repentance”. To commit sin is an ugly act, but insisting on sin and arguing about its validity increases sin many times over and causes great food and loss to man. Satan embellishes sin and presents it to him. Since man is thin of sins and has sinned from eternity, he is deceived by Satan and commits sin. In such a situation, if one repents, then Allah Almighty turns sins into good deeds.