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Islam ka Nizam Akhlaq wa Adab Urdu (اسلام کا نظام اخلاق وادب)


Islam ka Nizam Akhlaq wa Adab

Some people respect the prophets and sages, and do not utter a word that makes a difference in their honor and respect, but their tongues are not careful about Allah Almighty. In the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, we see that we have been taught the manners of the Divine Court.

Look at the literature and respect of Khidr Ali when the ark of the poor working in the sea and the ship of the poor in the sea did not return to them. ‘When the father of the orphaned child, who was the guardian of Allah, built his falling wall and saved his treasure.

Minhajhul Muslim Hindi: Islami Jeevan Pranali (इस्लामी जीवन प्रणाली)


The author of Minhaj Al-Muslim (The Way of a Muslim) was the great scholar Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jaza’ri. He held the prestige of being a regular lecturer at the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Madinah.

His way of teaching was very simple and his lectures find a place in the minds and hearts of people. The great author had a very humble and pious personality. If Allah wants someone to have the honour of serving His religion, then He Himself provides him with the necessary requirements. And this was the case for Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jaza’ri.

He was born in ‘Liwah’, Al-Jaza’ir (Algeria) in 1921 CE. Jabir was less than one year old when his father died; his pious mother nurtured the eminent child on the basis of Islamic guidelines. He learned the whole Qur’an in his youth before he was even twelve years old. He finished his early education in his hometown, then moved to the capital of Algeria where he worked as a teacher. During that period he attended the lecturers of ‘Allamah At-Tayyab Abu Qir and was enlightened with the light of belief in Tawhid and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.

When the French colonisation began in 1372 AH or 1952 CE, he migrated to Al-Madinah, the city of Prophet (s). King Sa’ud bin ‘Abdul-‘Aziz was the ruler at that time and Al-Madinah University was being established. Jabir first worked as a teacher in Al-Madinah and then joined Al-Madinah University until his retirement. He also worked as an adviser to some institutes affiliated with the Muslim World League.

Allah gave him great abilities in reading and writing, so he wrote about 80 books. Some of these books include the following works: ‘Ageedah Mu’min (The Believer’s Creed), his Tafsir of the Qur’an entitled Aysar AtTafasir, and a section on the biography of the Prophet (s) entitled Hadha Al-Habib (This is the Beloved).

Talash-e-Haq (تلاش حق)

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.

This book “Talashe Haq” is the essence of Mohtaram Janab Irshadullah Man Sahib’s years of research and poetry. His life started with Taqlid and Khankahi series then Allah Ta’ala gave him the gift of understanding the truth and acting on it. During this time, he thoroughly studied the different masalaks and their aqeedah and views and took stock of them from the book and sunnat. The straight path became clear to them with all its legitimacy. He collected the same details in book form and named it “Talashe Haq”, so that this refuge of his would become a convenience for those seeking Riyazat Haq. The book was carefully read by Mohtaram Hafiz Abdussalam bin Muhammad and found very useful. At his urging, it was decided to publish it on behalf of Darul Undulus.

In order to improve the beauty of the book, it was divided into different chapters and crops, book-based imports were imposed and the transcript of the hadiths was performed by Fariza Syed Tanvirulhaq Shah Sahib. In addition to the hadiths, in the hawala caste of books, only Mohtarram Irshadullah Man Sahib has been relied upon. Muhammad Shafiq and Hafiz Asif Rashid worked hard in composing. May Allah Ta’ala accept the wishes of the writer Mohtaram and all his friends and give them the best revenge for this. Amen!

At present, a large number of Muslims in India and Pakistan in particular and all over the world in general, instead of directly benefiting from the Book and Sunnah, have adopted the ideology of Taqleed and have lobbied for different ideologies, of millions of such Muslims. Therefore, this book is a precious gift, read it, test your beliefs and views on the scales of truth and by following the book and Sunnah, join the ranks of those who seek truth, that in it lies the secret of success in this world and the hereafter. May Allah grant you the ability to understand and act. Amin

Syed Shaukat Salim
Al Kitab International

Silsila Ahadees e Sahiha


Silsila Ahadees e Sahiha

ہر مسلمان کی بیدلی آرزو ہوتی ہے کہ قیامت کے دن کی منزلیں اس کے لیے آسان ہو جائیں ۔ اس کے لیے وہ بساط بھر جد و جہد کرتا ہے ۔ حساب کے دن نبی کریم ﷺ کی شفاعت کا حصول ایک مسلمان کی آرزو بھی ہے اور امید بھی۔ نبی کریم ﷺﷺ کی حدیث مبارکہ کی خدمت ان شاء اللہ تعالی روز قیامت آپ کی شفاعت کا سبب ہوگی۔ آئمہ کرام اور محدثین عظام نے اپنی زندگیاں اس مقصد کے لیے وقف کیے رکھیں احادیث رسول ( ﷺ ) کی جمع و تدوین سے لے کر راویان حدیث کی چھان پھٹک تک یہ سارا کام ایک محیر العقول کارنامہ تو ہے ہی لیکن محبت کا ایک بے مثال مظہر بھی ہے۔اس مقصد کے حصول کے لیے محدثین نے اس دور میں ہزاروں میل سفر کیے کہ جب سفر کرنا ایک پر صعوبت کام ہوتا تھا۔ ان گنت افراد کے حالات جمع کیے ان سے ملاقات کی ۔ ان افراد کے اخلاق عادات حافظے دیانت وامانت غرضیکہ ان کی سیرت کے

تابناک نقوش کوامت کے سامنے ایک مرتب شکل میں پیش کیا۔ دور حاضر میں شیخ ناصر الدین البانی ﷺ نے احادیث کی تحقیق اور تخریج کا جو شاندار کام کیا ہے ماضی میں اس کی مثال نہیں ملتی ۔ ’’سلسلة الاحاديث الصحيحة‘‘ اور ’’سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة و الموضوعۃ‘‘ ان کی دو عظیم الشان

تصانیف ہیں ۔ سلسلة الاحاديث الصحيحة کا اردوترجمہ مکتبہ قدوسیہ کی شان دار روایت کے مطابق آپ کے ہاتھ میں ہے ۔ الحمدللہ مکتبہ قدوسیہ اس سے پہلے احادیث کی کتنی ہی کتب کے تراجم اور شروحات اردو اور عربی زبان میں شائع کر چکا ہے جن میں انجاز الحاجہ شرح ابن ماجہ از مولا نا محمدعلی جانباز پی صحیح بخاری ترجمه و شرح مولانا محمد داؤد راز دہلوی ﷺ مشکاۃ المصانع ترجمه و شرح مولا نا محمد صادق خلیل مولانا محمد اسماعیل سلفی مولا نا عبدالسلام کیلانی علامہ البانی کے تلمیذ رشید فضیلۃ الاستاذ ابو اسامہ سلیم بن عید الھلالی کی بہجتہ الناظر من شرح رياض الصالحین’ محدث العصر علامہ ڈپٹی سید احمد حسن محدث دہلوی کا حاشیہ

Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari Urdu 2 Volume


In a two volume set, a summarized edition of Sahih al-Bukhari, with Arabic text and corresponding Urdu translation side by side, and a brief commentary for some hadiths. Sahih Al-Bukhari covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance from the messenger of Allah. Translated into Urdu in a very easy & simple language, so that all readers can understand it without difficulty.

Buy Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhari Urdu 2 Volume

A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child


A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child describes a day in the life of a Muslim Child. From waking up to going to bed at night it goes over all the basic dua’s that should be recited in our daily lives.

Buy A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child

Darood-o-Salam (As Salatu Was Salamu Alaika Ya Rasool Allah)


The personality of Shaykh-ul-Islam Imam Ibn Taymiyyah’s dearest student and his most intellectual Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawzi (may Allah have mercy on him) does not need introduction. His scholarly writings are an invaluable asset to Islamic heritage.

Some of his works are encyclopedias on his subject. His scholarly style, his unique style of writing and his argumentative style are still astonishing the scientific world. This harmony of thought and vision between teacher and student is less noticeable. Both the teacher and the student have made the intellectual errors of their time the subject of discussion and pointed out all these weaknesses.

He has lived a life of seclusion and has not only used pen and paper but also used Saif and Sanan to show the Ummah that some fatwas cannot be removed by mere sermons and sermons. The misfortune of the Urdu world is that the right of both the teacher and the student to interpret has not yet been exercised in this language.

It is necessary that their books should be published in Urdu language according to the principles of Jeddah and their translations should not only be corrected but also the subtleties of their language should be kept in mind.


Original price was: ₹30.00.Current price is: ₹20.00.

What a person acquires in the world through his abilities and experiences is one of knowledge and wisdom, useful and wise words and wealth. He wants to give his family, loved ones and relatives a chance to benefit from him. He also wants some of his wealth to be spent on good deeds. Islam has respected this desire of man and for this it has given a complete law of will.

Sahih Al Adab al Mufrad


Imam Bukhari’s skill in the art of hadith and his authenticity would have been further proved by the fact that his compilation was elevated to the title of the book of hadith “As-Sahih Al-Kitab Ba’d Kitab Allah” and his health and The scholars of Islam have been writing on the order of Al-Jami ‘Al-Sahih, its translations of chapters and its verses on Hadith, but they do not mention the shortage of pearls in this sea of ​​treasures.

In addition to Al-Jami ‘Al-Sahih, Imam Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) has compiled a permanent book on the subject of Islamic etiquette and manners, which is known and known as’ Al-Adab Al-Mufard’. It presents in detail the hadiths which make an Islamic personality stand out. How a Muslim spends his days and nights, how he treats his close relatives, friends and neighbors.

What is his attitude towards the relationship, what kind of strong character and morals should he possess personally? Imam Bukhari has collected hadiths on dozens of topics like this.

Rafa Ul Yadain


Rafa Ul Yadain: Raising the hands (رفع اليدين) during Salah.

It was the perpetual sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ to say takbeer tahreema in prayer and to go into ruku ‘and to get up from ruku’ and after the first tashahhud to renounce one’s faith. Following in the footsteps of the righteous, all the Imams of the Caliphate, except the Muhaddithin and Imam Abu Hanifa, all the Mujtahids, have kept this Sunnah alive and well, and the overwhelming majority of the Muhammadan Ummah is on it all over the world. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself gave the glad tidings of the perpetuation of the ummah on all his proven Sunnahs.

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Quran Khawani Aur Esal e Sawab

Original price was: ₹30.00.Current price is: ₹20.00.

Quran Khawani Aur Esal e Sawab

The practice of repenting men through Qur’an recitation has now become commonplace almost everywhere. On the occasion of the martyrdom and death of the ministers and dignitaries of Latin and country, this McCardea recites the Qur’an except for all its ceremonies. Among them, specialists, especially those who recite the Qur’an, pray for the completion of the third Qur’an and its return to the deceased.

Musnad Ishaq Ibn Rahwayh


The book contains two thousand four hundred & twenty five (2425) hadiths according to Maktaba Shamila. It is one of the oldest Musnad ( a kind of Hadith book) written.

Mayyat Ke Liye Nafa Bakhsh Amal


An excellent research treatise by the author, Sheikh Tariq Ahmad Al-Hamadi, on the subject of rulings and issues of condolence has already been translated by Fazil Razia Ibrahim Salmaha, published by Darul Alam Mumbai and has become popular.

This is a translation of another pamphlet of the great author, which is in fact a supplement to the first pamphlet of the author, which describes in the light of the Qur’an and hadith the good deeds and virtues whose benefits and rewards A Muslim continues to suffer even after his death.

Mayyat Ke Liye Nafa Bakhsh Amal

Kitab at-Tawheed in Arabic


Arabic edition of Kitab at-Tawheed which is one of the best books on the subject of Tawheed (Tauheed, Tawhid – Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity. In this book all the relevant verses of the Qur’an have been discussed reasonably, rationally, and sincerely. The essence of the Qur’an and Sunnah is placed in a very simple manner in this book.

Kitab at-Tawheed in Arabic

Khawarij Aur Unke Ausaf


Who are the Kharijites?

Kharji are the ones who left the Sunnah and the Jamaat, and left the Jamaat because of leaving the Muslim Jamaat.

Allama Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) says: He is called Kharji because he had disobeyed Imam Barhaq, and had become free from the observance of the Shariah of Islam (1). Hafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Khawarij is the plural of Kharaj, which means group, they are heretical people, they were called Khawarij because they left the religion, and against the best people of the Islamic Ummah. They had revolted (1). Allama Shahristani says that the Imam (Hakim Barhaq on whom the whole congregation agrees, who will revolt against him) will also be called Khar, even if this revolt is against the Righteous Imams in the time of the Companions, or their After the followers and of all times

Be against Muslim rulers (1).

(2) Tafsir Ibn Kathir (2)
(۴) فتح الباري (٫ ٫ ۱۲)
(1) Amal and Dissolution (2)