Showing 46–60 of 273 results

Fiqh Ul Hadith Urdu (2 Volume)


Islami Tarz-e-Zindagi Ke Mutalliq Fiqhi Ahkam Wa Masail, Imam shawkani ki Fiqh ki Ma’ruf Kitaab Al-Durar Al-Bahiyyah Ka Tarjama Wa Tashrih Ma’ahu Takhrij.

(Translation of the book of Fiqhi Issues and Commandments “Al-Durar Al-Bahiyyah” by Imam Shawkani regarding to Islamic style of life.)

The aforementioned book is the translation of the most prominent book by Imam Shawkani “Al-Durar Al-Bahiyyah” That is matn of fiqh which has the distinction of giving directly the dominant speech in the different issues of fiqh, without following any particular Madhhab.

Jami at-Tirmidhi Urdu (4 Volume)


Jami at-Tirmidhi also known as Sunan at-Tirmidhi, is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Abu Isa Muhammad at-Tirmidhi (rahimahullah). His collection is unanimously considered to be one of the six canonical collections of hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ). It contains roughly 4400 hadith (with repetitions) in 46 books.

Urdu and Arabic Text of Imam al Tirmidhi (4 volume complete set) Jami At-Tirmidhi is one of the classical books of hadith that was compiled by 279AH when it’s compiler and the great Muhadith, Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Surah At-Tirmidhi (209-279AH), passed away. He was a special student of the great scholar of hadith, Imam Bukhari. He, like other great muhaditheen of our salaf, traveled a lot and quoted from many shuyukh. With 3956 ahadith, Jami’ At-Tirmidi is an invaluable addition to any person’s library of hadith collection.

Buy Jami at-Tirmidhi Urdu (4 Volume)

Sahih Bukhari (6 Volume) Urdu Translation by Sheikh Hafiz Abdul Sattar Hammad

Original price was: ₹4,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,600.00.

Generally regarded as the single most authentic collection of Ahadith, Sahih Bukhari covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance from the messenger of Allah. Sahih Bukhari is the work of over 16 years by Imam Bukhari who before writing any Hadith in this book performed two Rakat prayer of guidance from Allah and when he was sure of the Hadith’s authenticity, he wrote it in the book. Tremendous amounts of errors exist in the translations by other translators.

Each book (subtopics in each volume categorized by very broad topics such as the Book of As-Salat) contains many chapters which represent one logical unit of Ahadith. Each book contains anywhere from one to 150 chapters with each chapter containing several Ahadith.

Riyad Us Saliheen Urdu 2 Volume by Imam Al Nawawi


Riyad Us Saliheen is a collection from hadiths from Al Imam An-Nawawi’s compilation. Riyad Us Saliheen features commentary on all hadiths it mentions. The commentary has been done by Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf. The book gives guidance on various matters such as repentance, patience and perseverance, truthfulness, watchfulness, piety, reliance on Allah, struggle, moderation in worship, intercession, fear, hope, parents, husband rights, women rights, miserliness, death, manners, etiquette of eating, dressing, salutations, visiting sick, traveling, virtues, prohibited actions and forgiveness. The book is in Urdu language and features Arabic text of Hadiths.

Islam Khalis Kya Hai


आज कल के कुछ मुसलमान कुन और हदीस पर अमल करने वालों को नया फ़िरका (गिरोह) और नए मज़हब के नाम से बुलाते हैं और फिर इस से आगे बढ़कर चारों इमामों में से किसी एक इमाम की तक़्लीद न करने वालों को गैर मुक़ल्लिद और इस्लाम के दाएरे से बाहर होने का नाम देते हैं और न मालूम किन किन नामों से बुलाते हैं। आखिर इस कुन और हदीस पर अमल करने की बुनियाद कब से है ?

Enjoy Your Life


Enjoy your life by Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Al-Arifi is a book on the exquisite and inspiring collection of incidents from the lives of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions, stories from our Islamic Heritage, and thought-provoking anecdotes from the life of the author. In the author’s opinion, to enjoy your life, you must work on self-development in the light of Islam.

الرد على الزنادقة والجهمية


Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Walin (5 AH) wrote various treatises in defense of the Salafi faith which was the belief of the Salaf. Imam Ahmad had to face the government to clarify these beliefs and We had to endure hardships, trials and tribulations. Around the first and second centuries AH, a number of erroneous ideas came to the fore. Ja’d ibn Durham and Jahm ibn Safwan derived their beliefs from al-Shaminiya and are also called al-Shaminiya. Were Abu Rihan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni in his book “Tahaqiq ma llind min maqolat maqolat al-aql o mazdolat p. The position of the Salaf was that when the followers of Bid’ah and the people of Atheism expressed their false belief, the Salaf would express their belief and their purpose was to show the false doctrine of the followers of Bid’ah I will prove it.

Syedna Hussain bin Ali Shakhsiyat Aur Karname (سیدنا حسین بن علی شخصیت اور کارنامے)


Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (626-680 AD) is the grandson of the Holy Prophet (saw) and the youth are the leaders of the people of Paradise. In his books of Hadith, Manaqib has established chapters of Sahaba or has written permanent books on Sahaba. Counts and every Muslim appreciates their greatness and virtue. Like other Ahl al-Bayt, he loves them and also believes that his martyrdom in the field of Karbala was oppressive and those who martyred him were oppressors.

Duniya Ka Qadeem Tareen Majmua e Ahadith 


The authentic and beautiful hadiths are the source of Islamic law. They are the definitive interpretation of the Qur’an. Just as Allah Almighty has revealed the Qur’an with the last prophecy and prophethood, so too is something like this. The Qur’an is a revelation, which is recited in prayer, and the hadith of the Prophet is a non-recitation, which is not recited in prayer. The difference between the two is that the words and meanings of one are both destination from Allah and not the words of the other only meanings are destination from Allah. Both are the same in victory and authenticity. Those who have recognized this greatness of Hadith, their Qibla of thought and vision will be correct and those who have not considered this greatness of Hadith as worthwhile, have descended into such valleys of illusions and doubts. There is no way out.

Maqalat Shaykh Muhammad Uzair Shams

Original price was: ₹375.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.

Readers are delighted to have a collection of articles and essays in the hands of Dhi Ikram, a person who has his own unique identity in the world of science and research. I mean Shaykh Muhammad Uzair Shams Hafizullah who has a very wide and deep look at Islamic heritage, whose scholarly research has its own distinct identity, who is distinguished among his contemporaries in manuscript recognition and whom Shaykh-ul-Islam Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) Can be called a comprehensive encyclopedia of science and knowledge. Sheikh Mohammad Az Reshmas usually writes in Arabic but from time to time he also expresses his views in Urdu due to some special need. Over the last forty years, he has written extensively in Urdu, which has been published in various magazines and journals. This is the first part of the collection. We hope that the second and third parts of this collection will come to light soon, God willing.

This collection has been compiled by Hafiz Shahid Rafiq Hafizullah, a researcher with a special focus on the sources and references of Islamic sciences of the Islamic University of Madinah Munawara. At the beginning of the collection, he has given a beautiful talk on the scholarly value of Sheikh Muhammad Iz Reshmas, the uniqueness of his research and his style of writing. The various stages of family education in the country are mentioned in detail and their publications. It is important for the reader to be introduced to the author before the book. Alhamdulillah Hafiz Shahid Rafiq Sahib has introduced the personality of Sheikh Muhammad Uzair and his scholarly and research services in these two writings included in the book. The collection includes four types of writing, essays, cases, critiques and deaths.

Musnad Imam Shafi’i 2 Volume in Urdu


The book contains almost two thousand (2000) hadiths according to Maktaba Shamila.It is one of the oldest Musnad (a kind of Hadith book) written.

Kitab Ut Tawheed (किताबुत्तौहीद)


Kitab ut-Tawheed which is one of the best books on the subject of Tawheed (Tauheed, Tawhid – Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity. In this book, all the relevant Verses have been discussed reasonably, rationally and sincerely; and the essence of the Qur’an and Sunnah is placed in a very simple and appealing manner.

This is the reason that the upright persons, beyond group ism and prejudices, have been adopting the correct Islamic path – the path of the Qur’an and Sunnah – under the influence of the basic facts and proofs produced herein.

Main Rafa-ul-Yadain Kyon Karon by Abu Hamza Abdul Khaliq Siddiqui


In fact, for you Muslims, the words and deeds of the Messenger of Allah are a perfect example for those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah much. Therefore, it became clear that a servant cannot be a believer unless the decision of the Holy Prophet (sws) is accepted wholeheartedly in matters of dispute.

Obedience and obedience to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the Day of Resurrection will earn the companionship of the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous (saints). And this is one of the great attributes of the believers, because the words and deeds of the Messenger of Allah are the best example for the believers.

Kalma Go Mushrik in Urdu


Of all the religions of the world, Islam is unique and distinguished in its rules and matters as well as its unity in terms of beliefs. Belief is the basis of Islamic life. The deeper and stronger the foundation, the stronger and more stable the building will be. Just as no building can be solid without a foundation, so there is no concept of Islamic life without true faith.

In religion, belief has the same status as the head in the human body. True belief is the source of worldly and otherworldly prosperity. It is impossible to get along without it. If we utter the word Tawheed with our tongues but do not act according to its requirements, then this effort is futile as Allama Iqbal Malala said.