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Tashreeh Ul Quran: Quran Majid with Urdu Translation


Tashreeh Ul Quran: Quran Majid with Urdu Translation by Maulana Abdul Karim Parekh Saheb

Al Quran Al Kareem Colour Coded Rainbow With Tajweed Rules 13 Lines


“Al Quran Al Karim Color Coded Rainbow with Tajweed Rules” is very comprehensible as the verses can be read by any age group as such since it is texted in bold script. Quranic verse recited with intonation is called ‘Tajweed‘. This books also helps with the Tajweed rules to make Quran easy to read and understand. Grappling through understanding the segments in verses can break your flow of recitation.

Buy Al Quran Al Kareem Colour Coded Rainbow With Tajweed Rules 13 Lines

Al Quran Al Karim 13 Lines: Art Paper


Quran No. 3 (Art Paper) Or Al Quran Al Karim (13 Lines) (Art Paper)

Buy Al Quran Al Karim 13 Lines: Art Paper

Tauzeeh Us Salah Urdu (Special Edition)


The word tawheed لا اله الا الله (there is no god but Allah) and after the belief and confession of the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ, the Messenger of Allah, the first believer to be bound by the Sunnah Proof is that it is prayer. Which is the most important pillar and pillar of Islam. And the marks of prostration on the foreheads are the identity of the Muhammadan Ummah for non-Muslims. And on the Day of Resurrection, the first thing to be asked is prayer, and no; And because of your intercession, the angels will recognize the believing servants by the mark of prostration and bring them out of Hell. Because the fire of hell will not be able to eat the sign of prostration.

That is why books have been written about prayers in every age. And will continue to be written. And this book is probably the most comprehensive of them all. The compilation and arrangement of which is being analyzed by the Honorable Dr. Obaidullah MBBS, MD. It was started by his father, His Excellency Dr. Molly Bakhsh (may Allah have mercy on him). And then Dr. Obaidullah Sahib and his two grandsons Mr. Qamar Sajidi bin Mr. Qadir Bakhsh Salafi and Mr. Badra Najam bin Mr. Abdul Khaliq Salafi with the help of seven books adorned it with references for about a month.

Imam Bukhari Ka Manhaj


This book is the habits of Imam Al-Bukhari in Sahih! An Urdu translation by Baha’u’llah of Sheikh Abdul Haq Al-Hashimi. Which has been translated into Urdu by Dr. Abdul Ghaffar and Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Shahbaz Hassan. The Arabic version was edited and researched by Muhammad bin Nasir Anjumi. Some citations have been added by translators. Prof. Dr. Hafiz Mohammad Israil Farooqi has done the duty of reviewing it. According to him, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Shahbaz Hassan has also added some useful comments and suggestions.

An essay on the circumstances and beliefs of Sheikh Abdul Haq Hashmi Shah has been included in the beginning of the book. It was published by Prof. Dr. Hafiz Mohammad Israil Farooqi and Dr. Hafiz Mohammad Shahbaz Hassan in weekly protest. This article is written primarily in the light of his book Aqeedah al-Furqat al-Najiyat. (Their translation of this book has also been published as Aqeedah of the saved group.)

Tauba wa Taqwa Asbab o Wasail Aur Samrat


Man literally means ‘wrongdoer’. With its birth, a series of sins started, which is a cause of loss and loss for human beings, which is mentioned by Allah Almighty in many verses of the Qur’an. Along with this, Allah, the Exalted, bestowed a special reward on him, through which he could turn this loss and loss into ‘nearness to God’.

Yes, and that is “repentance”. To commit sin is an ugly act, but insisting on sin and arguing about its validity increases sin many times over and causes great food and loss to man. Satan embellishes sin and presents it to him. Since man is thin of sins and has sinned from eternity, he is deceived by Satan and commits sin. In such a situation, if one repents, then Allah Almighty turns sins into good deeds.

Tawheed Ke Masail


The book is written in a very simple, simple and common sense manner on the theme of tawheed, the basic belief of Islam. Every Muslim must understand the meaning of the belief of tawheed, meet its requirements and go.

Deen ul Haq 2 Volume


Believers and followers of every religion must come to a stage where their minor differences become permanent, as were the differences between Judaism and Christianity, and the nature of the differences between the two religions becomes very serious. Although the Torah was the law of both religions. Then, with a wide gulf of differences between the two religions, the Jews were divided into about seventy sects, and the Christians into better sects. This state of their differences was like this in the time of Rasool-e-Akram team. Only Allah will know later or the people of these religions will know what is the state of their differences. However, there is no doubt that these two religions They consider each other as infidels and atheists and irreligious.

Sharh Usool e Salasa (شرح اصول ثلاثہ)


The Urdu translation of “Sharh Usool e Salasa” is a gift to the readers. As far as writing something about the book is concerned, I do not consider it necessary at all because the attribution of this book to authoritative and authoritative personalities like the author and commentator is the only guarantee of its authenticity and usefulness. It is not possible for a person of fair temperament to read this book beyond prejudice and to have a careful view of the author and commentator, his breadth of knowledge, his influence and his heart. Don’t get me wrong That Sharh-e-Thalas-ul-Asool should be presented in different languages ​​of the subcontinent in view of its general usefulness. Respected Dr. Rezaullah Mohammad Idrees Mubarakpuri Hayyand (Lecturer of Salafi University, Banaras) sought advice.

Seerat un Nabi Ka Encyclopedia in Urdu


Every statement will either be accepted (when it agrees with the Qur’an and Sunnah according to the Salaf) or it will be rejected (when it opposes it) except the occupants of the grave (the Messenger of Allah). Of the speech and peace be upon him – since Allah Almighty protected him from mistakes in the religion, so his words are never rejected)

Love and study of the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is a requirement of the faith of every Muslim. Doubtless your creation is great. Allah Jal Shanah emphasized to every Muslim: It started in your life. After these ahaadeeth, the work of writing the events of Sira with a separate title also started. In Urdu, Maula Naeeli Nomani, Syed Salman Nadvi, Syed Salman Mansoor Puri, Abu Aqsan Ali Nadvi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Abul Ali Maududi, Maulana Na Maherul Qadri, Maulana Nasif-ur-Rehman Mubarakpuri, Maulana Naeem Siddiqui and Syed Asghar Ali Chaudhry With this blessed subject, he had the privilege of opening chapters of happiness for himself and Ahmadullah Rabb Dhab also gave them all the hateful style of writing in their own place. “

Seerat un Nabi Ka Encyclopedia in Hindi


Belief and love from Siratunnabi is a sign of faith. Aali Martaba like Siratunnabi is twenty two Saadat to write on Mauju. In every age and in every age, Muslims used to shower flowers of faith and love on the caste of Prophet Akram. Are coming In Islamic etiquette, the fun of Sirat Nigari has been going on all over the list in terms of meyer and quantity. More than one lakh Sirat books, Maqamat (Research Work) have been published in one hundred and twenty languages ​​of the world. Only those bibliographies have been published in more than 20 volumes and its number is increasing daily.

Even in this age of Muslim weakness, a global wave of confession-Islam is constantly rising. After the Second World War, thousands of people were becoming Muslims annually in the non-Muslim Aqwam. In the 21st century, these thousands have now turned into millions. Ab in-shaallah yeh lakhon se ….! Muhammad’s ummah is growing. We will not stop, no matter who we are

Now it is the case that every day I come to America, some mosque, some Islamic center is being opened. From Tokyo to New York today, the call to prayer is getting louder five times. One hundred mosques in New York City alone raise the call to prayer. While the number of mosques in Tul-o-Arj of USA has exceeded two thousand. 1000 mosques in Britannia (England), while 1554 minarets stand tall in the sky of France and this number of mosques is decreasing to the Muslims of France. The number of mosques and musalla castes is estimated at 2200 in Germany, 300 in Belgium, 400 in Holland, 130 in Italy and 76 in Austria. Islam has stepped into the West.

Musnad Ahmad 12 Volume in Urdu


One of the greatest compilations of the sunnah and books of hadith is the Musnad by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, which is organized into compilations of the hadiths narrated by each Companion (Sahabi), starting with the ‘asharah mubashsharah (“the ten who were promised Paradise”). This highlights their status and the efforts they made to preserve the ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

The scholars and muhadditheen praised the Musnad of Imam Ahmad. Al-Hafiz Abu Moosa al-Madeeni wrote a book in which he highlighted the great features of the Musnad. In his book he said: “This book is an important source and trustworthy reference for the scholars of hadeeth, as he (Imam Ahmad) selected from the large number of hadith he came across and the plentiful reports he heard, and he put a great deal of effort into making it a prominent, leading and reliable source. When disputing an issue, it is a refuge and a source of help.”

Salato Khatimul Nabeen


After accepting Islam, the first duty of every Muslim is qamat salat. For this reason, according to most of the scholars, a person who deliberately abandons prayers is a kaafir. Will As it is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Of course, the first thing that will be reckoned with the servant on the Day of Resurrection is his prayer.

And Salat has been declared as a pillar of religion and its great virtue has been narrated in most of the hadiths from the Messenger of Allah.

Islam ka Nizam Akhlaq wa Adab Hindi इस्लामी शिष्टाचार


The progress and prosperity of any society is determined by good conduct and good attitude and character. Unless a society exhibits good attitude and good character. The fajl and favor of Allah Ta’ala on such a society is seldom. Thus Rasulullah Sallallahu said:

“Bila shubaha Allah Ta’ala is gentle and loves meekness. On meekness he dictates something which is strict and does not oblige anything other than that.”

The main purpose of your prophecy is to teach good knowledge to the people. And reach the heights of good faith.

The hadith of Rasulullah is:

“I have been sent to fulfill Husn-e-Akhlaq.”

People even Kuffars also participate. If the mukhatab is a Muslim, he should be saluted and talked with a smiling face, and if he is a kafir, then he should be chatted with in a good manner, because a Muslim is not bad-mouthed, abusive and quarrelsome. Muslim and at-Tirmidhi narrate that Rasulullah said: Do not consider even the least righteousness to be righteous, even if you meet your brother with a smiling face.
(Taisirur Rahman, Pages: 50, 51 )

A good attitude is the heaviest of all righteousness. Whereas to mutter in a slanderous, stern tone is to justify the displeasure of Allah for oneself. Which is by no means worthy of a believer.

Deen Main Taqleed Ka Masla Urdu


The issue of the necessity of personal imitation has been a contentious issue between the imitators and the Ahl al-Hadith since ancient times. Many books, large and small, have been published on this issue by both sides. Apparently, these gentlemen have given up their senses in a fit of rage, the result of which is that the Jamaat-e-Ahl-e-Hadeeth, on a daily basis, leave behind some or other grievances, the same old books and old topics which have been repeatedly answered. New

Keep publishing in style. Therefore, it was felt necessary to publish the Shari’ah status of the issue of Taqlid in the light of the Qur’an, Sunnah and consensus. The issue of Taqlid in the book Kitab-e-Din is being compiled by Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai. This book is very useful for all scholars, students and the general public. To understand the issue of Taqlid, you must read this book. We ask Allaah to help the Muslims to follow the Sunnah, and to grant the author and the publisher of the book a genealogy. Amen

Shakeel Ahmed Meeruthi
Darul Kitab-ul-Islamia, Delhi