islam – Al Marfa Online Islamic Bookshop An Authentic Islamic Bookshop Sun, 21 Jul 2024 13:37:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 islam – Al Marfa Online Islamic Bookshop 32 32 181643429 Islam Kya Hai? Sun, 12 Jun 2022 15:04:03 +0000 Islam Kya Hai?

زندگی کسی مقصد ، کسی نصب العین اور کسی نظریے کے بغیر برنہیں ہوسکتی ۔ جو لوگ کسی اچھے اور بڑے مقصد کے بغیر جیتے ہیں، ان کی زندگی ، زندگی نہیں محض ایک بوجھ ہے جسے جانور ڈھوتے ہیں ۔اس لحاظ سے ہم سب مسلمان کتنے خوش قسمت ہیں کہ ہمیں اسلام نے کس قدر عظیم الشان اور کیسا بے مثل مقصد زندگی مرحمت فرمایا ہے اور کتنے بلیغ پیراۓ میں بتلا دیا ہے کہ اپنے پیدا فرمانے والے مقدس پروردگار کو پہچان لو ۔ اسی کے یگانہ حسن پر فریفتہ ہو جاؤ۔اسی کے آگے سجدہ ریز رہو ۔ اس کے علاوہ ہر چیز کا خوف چمڑی سے نکال دو ۔ ہر آن اسی کی رضا ڈھونڈتے رہو، اس کو چاہو، اس سے پیار کرو اور اسی کی طلب میں مرمٹو۔ یہی وہ اکلوتی راہ ہے

جس میں تم دنیا اور آخرت کی کامیابیوں کے لامحدود امکانات کو اپنے استقبال کا منتظر پاؤ گے۔ ی کتنی الم ناک بات ہے کہ جس امت مسلمہ کو اتارفیع الشان نصب العین بخشا گیا ، آج اس کا سارا معاشرہ امریکہ اور یورپ سے مرعوب ہے اور مسلمان مغربی تہذیب کی نقالی میں ایسے

مدہوش ہیں کہ اپنے اسلاف کرام کی تمام اعلی روایات بھول گئے ہیں۔

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The History Of Islam 3 Volume Sun, 03 Oct 2021 01:00:24 +0000 The History Of Islam 3 Volume in English

History stands as the most effective and valuable source of putting a nation on the course of progress and prosperity and saving them from the path of disgrace and degradation.

At a time, when there is tough competition among the nations of the world to excel one another, the Muslim, despite having the most glorious history, appear to be detached and careless as regards their history.

This book presents the true Islamic events and their actual causes before the English readers because the other books in the English language found on the Islamic history have been written by such authors and compilers who did no justice in presenting the true picture of Islamic Era but their prejudice prevented them from doing so.


We are presenting you the third volume of the book History of Islam. This book was originally written in the Urdu language in 1922 (1343 AH) by Akbar Shah Khan Najeebabadi. This was the time about 25 years before the partition of Indian Subcontinent into Pakistan and India. For the purpose of brevity, the compiler has presented the authentic events in concise form from the famous histories of Islam written in the Arabic and Persian languages by the great Muslim historians like Tabari, Ibn Athir, Mas’udi, Abul-Fida’, Ibn Khaldun and Suyuti, apart from getting benefited from the authentic books of Ahadith for the compilation of the part about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. So, this compilation is actually the extract of the works of the famous Muslim historians.

In the first volume, starting with the introduction of the history as a subject, the country, people and conditions of Arabia prior to the advent of Islam were discussed, and an account of the life of Prophet Muhammad was presented including the hardships and opposition he faced while propagating the message of Islam, and the details of migration and the period after it until his death. After that, the description of Rightly Guided Caliphate was also discussed in its full perspective.

In this second volume, starting with the Caliphate of Banu Umayyah, the martyrdom of Imam Husain (R) and the Caliphate of the Abbasids, all areas have been covered as far as the expansion of Islam was.

This third volume begins with the description of the conditions of Spain before and after the rule of Muslims and the role played by Umayyad, Abbasid, Almoravid and Almohad Caliphs there and their encounters with the Christian Armies. Then some mention of the conquest of Morocco and North Africa has been given along with the details of Idrisia and Aghlabs rule there. After that detailed accounts of Ganghisid Mongols, Turks and Tartar Mangols have been produced. After that Islamic history of Persia is described giving the accounts of Saffariah, Samanid, Delmid, Gharnavid, Seljuk, Ghourid and Muluk Dynasties with the periods of Khwarizm Shah, Atabeks and Sistan Kings rule there. Then the Islamic history of Egypt and Syria is covered describing the Ubaidullah, Ayyubid and Mamluk Dynasties, and the rule of Atabek and Abbasid Caliphs. In the end, something about the Ottoman Dynasty and its Empire is discussed including the description of the conquest of Constantinople.

We hope that the readers will find this volume also of great help in the study of Islamic history. The famous scholar Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarakpuri has revised the Urdu edition before its translation to check the authenticity aspect.

The translation was done by the Translation Department of Darussalam, and every care has been taken to reproduce the events and the names of the persons and places as accurately as possible. We thank all the persons who have cooperated with us to complete this task and produce it before you into a presentable form. May Allah accept our humble efforts in this regard and send His peace and blessings on our Prophet Muhammad, his Companions and his followers.-Amin!

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Heroes of Islam Tue, 17 Aug 2021 04:42:36 +0000 This book presents the glimpses of the lives of some of the greatest heroes and role models of Islam. It covers the four righteous caliphs, 47 male and female companions of the Prophet, 8 followers of the companions, 6 religious scholars, 7 reformers, and 7 scientists.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the greatest of the Prophets and Messengers – our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ – and upon his Family and all of his Companions.

One of the important factors in the development and behaviours of the societies of the world today is the impact of role models. Now, more than ever, role models are affecting the lives of all races and classes of people around the world. Because of mediums such as television, radio, telephone and the internet, many role models, such as movie stars, athletes, musicians and politicians, have become quite popular around the world.

However, such role models do not necessarily represent the ideal style of life, practices and beliefs that are wanted for the Muslim. When Muslims look up to sinful or disbelieving people who have been portrayed in the media to be successful and famous, they began to feel inferior to them. Satan may even deceive them into feeling that the reason for the non-Muslims’ worldly success is their following of ways other than Islam.

For this reason, Darussalam has brought to life in this work the stories of some of the greatest heroes and role models of Islam. In this way we serve the cause of increasing the Muslims’ conviction to their faith. The efforts and sacrifices of these people for the sake of Allah’s religion will show us who we are and what we really are capable of when we have strong belief in Allah.

We thank Mr. Sidheeque M.A. Veliankode, a member of the Research Division of Darussalam for his diligent effort in publishing this work.

Heroes and Heroism
Every nation has its own heroes. Some are real while others are mythical. These heroes are sources of admiration, and even adoration by certain communities. In enlightened societies real heroes may be models for emulation. But who is a real hero? He is a person usually admired or respected for special qualities he is endowed with or for certain acts of bravery and chivalry.

Heroes of Islam
Muslims have no need to look for fictitious or mythical heroes, because their history is abundant with heroes of real flesh and blood, whose acts were heroic because of their faith, and a consequence of their attitude to life and the world. For all the heroes of Islam share two very special traits: full conviction and dedication to their pristine faith and constant attempt to seek the Pleasure of their Creator, Allah, alone, regardless of the circumstances and times they live in. For a Muslim hero, be he a military genius, a scholar teacher, or a devout common person, knows that the transient life in this world is a means to the eternal life in the Hereafter, and that ephemeral pains and pleasures are nothing compared to the everlasting pains and pleasures of Hell and Heaven. To this hero, the key to the whole thing is Divine Pleasure. Through it alone can a person enjoy peace and tranquility in this world and attain real happiness in the life Hereafter.

The Prophet (salla-Liaahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam) is reported to have said: “Strange is the case of the believer. Everything turns to his advantage only. If adversity befalls him he patiently accepts it, and is rewarded for it. If prosperity happens to him he shows gratitude to his Lord (in word and action), and is rewarded for it.” So a hero of Islam faces both prosperity and adversity with the right attitude and action. His goal is not worldly pleasures and gains, but rather the Pleasure of Allah.

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Islam Ki Betiyan (Urdu) Tue, 17 Aug 2021 04:41:03 +0000 Islam Ki Betiyan

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Islam Ki Betiyan (Hindi) Tue, 17 Aug 2021 10:11:02 +0000 Islam Ki Betiyan (Daughters of Islam) by Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti

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Tareekh e Islam Urdu (3 Volume) Tue, 17 Aug 2021 10:10:28 +0000 Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Spiritual Era to Sahaba-e-Karam[Companion of Prophet Muhammad] ﷺ and their after, the entire Islamic Countries's truth history 'written by renowned Author Hazrat Maulana Akbar Shah Najeebabadi and also written its in enlighten and Standard Histories and Ahadith [The Statements of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ ]. The More than lakhs Copies of this Grand and Sacred Book have been distributed in entire the World in Urdu language. It's one of the Best and concise book on HIstory of Islam, widely accepted among student of Islamic history.

Tareekh e Islam Urdu (3 Volume)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Spiritual Era to Sahaba-e-Karam[Companion of Prophet Muhammad] ﷺ and their after, the entire Islamic Countries’s truth history ‘written by renowned Author Hazrat Maulana Akbar Shah Najeebabadi and also written its in enlighten and Standard Histories and Ahadith [The Statements of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ ]. The More than lakhs Copies of this Grand and Sacred Book have been distributed in entire the World in Urdu language. It’s one of the Best and concise book on HIstory of Islam, widely accepted among student of Islamic history.

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